Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Understanding prejudices and self portraits

I attended a DASA workshop and received a lesson plan on teaching prejudices.  In the lesson students would first write or draw how they thought other people viewed or judged them.  Girls might write "I'm a girl so people think I don't like to get dirty."  After this students would write facts about themselves that people would not know just by looking at them.  I modified the lesson a little and first taught the students how to draw a self portrait with correct proportions.  Before writing about themselves, we had a discussion on what it meant to be prejudice.  Students shared how others have judged them before getting to know them.  One African American student shared how she was judged because of her skin color.  We discussed that it's not right to judge someone before we get to know them.  Everyone has many special qualities and we don't know them just from appearance.  Then students made a border around their self portrait and wrote things about themselves that people would not know just by looking at them.  I encouraged students to write about their family, personality, and favorite things. 

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