Friday, November 6, 2015

Art Certificate

Just opened my Teachers Pay Teachers store!  My first FREE product is an art certificate.  I frequently give these out to students to reward them for working hard and making great art.  I also give them out to reward students whose work gets chosen to be on display in the hallway.  When the student brings it home, it lets their parents know they are doing well in art.  We all know that sometimes the students that excel the most in art do not always excel in their classroom.  Parents of these students would be happy to see their child is doing well in art.  This gives the student a boost of self esteem and they are likely to continue to work hard in your class in hopes of receiving another certificate!

4th Grade Iroquois Blankets

Check this great lesson plan on my Teacher Pay Teachers site.  I've taught this lesson three times now and students love telling me about what they've learned in their classroom and using that information to help them design their blanket!