Monday, March 2, 2015

Self portraits

I love self portraits!  Kindergarteners and first graders studied their facial features and different shapes they could use to draw their face.  

Students traced an oval for their head with a black crayon and then added all their facial features. I gave them multicultural Crayola crayons to color only their skin and hair.  

First graders drew their whole body.  Both kindergarteners and first graders painted their self portraits with watercolors the following class.

I love hearing them remind each other not to let their paint brush get a "bad hair day"!

Jamestown Architecture

Third and fourth graders studied buildings from around our city.  They had to draw two buildings from our city that I had pictures of and they had to design one building on their own.  They also had to have a street, sidewalk, and a horizon line.  After drawing with pencil, they outlined everything with sharpie then painted with warm or cool watercolors.

Every student found success with this project and they loved drawing buildings that they 
have been to.


Hi! Welcome to my classroom.  Please enjoy viewing my students' work and taking some of my lesson ideas!